Sunday, March 17, 2013

Project Doodle (Day43-57)

Hello again, it feels like years since I've posted in here.  Every time I give an update on this daily project, I seem to increase the number of doodles I am behind on, and this time is no exception.  This past week I reached an all time low, being a total of 30 doodles behind schedule.  At this rate, I predict I will be infinite doodles short by the end of the year.  But now that school is over for a week (Spring Break, WOOO!), I can finally forget about the anxiety of graduation and life and focus on art.

Instead of starting with an ambiguous blob of highlighter, I decided to start these doodles with one line or shape.  This first set started with five horizontal lines down the page, which became ground levels for scenes I thought up.  And without intending it, the theme of these scenes became "Ways to Escape from Monsters."  I also started up the French translation again (aww ouiiii).
Day43-57 - "Ways to Escape from Monsters"
Day43 - courir (run)
Day44 - nager (swim)
Day45 - entasser (squeeze)
Day46 - sautiller (jump)
Day47 - marcher (walk)

 This second set started out with a circle:
Day48-52 - "Things Derived from a Circle"
Day48 - obese "How did this happen."
Day49 - joli (adorable)
Day50 - cache (hidden)
"Joe, where are you?! We need to talk!!!"
Day51 - graviter (gravitate)
Day52 - geant (giant)

And this last set started with a "V":
Day53-57 - "Things Derived from a V"
Day53 - montagnes (mountains)
Day54 - dentiste (dentist)
Day55 - chat-ninja (ninja-cat)
Day56 - globe oculaire (eyeball)
Day57 - OVNI (UFO)

So, a while ago I stumbled upon some awesome blogs that are very relevant to this daily project, and now I finally have time to talk about them!  This first one is a blog centered around people who have actually finished their yearlong daily project goals, called Make Something 365 & Get Unstuck.  I've been following it for a couple months now, and it's definitely been a helpful motivator for me.  Each submission includes a short interview about their project and how it's changed them and so on.  And it's not just art projects.  People have done things with photography, video, even food.  So if any of you are interested in challenging your brain every day, you should definitely look at this blog for inspiration.  Also, apparently Blogger is the go-to blogging site to use when you have a yearlong project.  EVERYONE uses Blogger.

Probably my favorite daily project I've come across is this one by Klari Reis, called The Daily Dish 2013.  Every day she makes a piece of art out of colored ink in a petri and gives it an interesting title.

Snow White
Mean Girls
A Case of the Mondays
Underwater Pen Marks
Uma Thurman

I really love how simple and spontaneous her project is.  And if any of you just want to see something pretty every day, you should totally follow this blog.

More of her art can be seen here on her official website.

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