Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Sneeze

This here piece is another one of my favorite projects from my Drawing II class last Spring.  I had a very strong love/hate relationship with this piece.  I loved it because it's the first piece I've ever done where I felt completely content with the final product.  And I hated it because it caused me hours of pain and suffering.  I guess I'll start this tale off with the instructions for the project:

          1. Incorporate text into the image - at least ten of the words have to be body parts.
          2. Only use one color, other than black and white.

These simple instructions proved to be unbelievably difficult for my brain to follow, which led to yet another prolonged sketching period:

We had about a week and a half to come up with an idea and complete the project, and up until the weekend before it was due, I had planned a completely different idea from what I ended up doing.  I originally thought about making a diptych of a hand and foot with text in the background explaining why they hated each other/secretly wanted to be each other.  But when it came to doing it, I thought, "This is stupid," and turned to Google for more inspiration.  That's when I stumbled upon this picture:

I have no idea what this picture was taken for, but I took it and ran with it.  My final idea was to make a diptych of this dainty woman sneezing her guts out. 
"The Sneeze," aka "Snot Girl" - done in hard compressed charcoal and chalk pastel

This project took a total of twenty-four hours worth of physical drawing (twelve hours straight for two days), hence the previous "pain and suffering" comment.

Here is a quick journey through time of the bottom panel:


Also, my teacher nominated me to be apart of the Art On Campus exhibit at FSU, and I submitted this piece! It's apparently hanging up around the President's office in the Wescott Gallery.  I haven't found it yet... but if you know where to find it you should check it out!

1 comment:

  1. I always loved this piece, but it's cool to understand the inspiration behind it now!
